Samsung is working on its next Galaxy S flagship smartphone purportedly called as Galaxy S10. As per the recent report, the Samsung is expected to adopt the in-display fingerprint scanner for its next and scheduled flagship device for 2019 launch. If the rumors circulating on the Internet turns out to be true, then we can presume all the three variants of Galaxy S10 will be equipped with technology that allows users to scan their fingerprint on the screen. Furthermore, Qualcomm will be supplying the ultrasonic fingerprint sensor for the S10 lineup, rumored earlier. The ultrasonic fingerprint technology creates a 3D mapped fingerprint used by an optical scanner, which indeed boasts more accuracy than traditional ones. It's worth mentioning here that Samsung planned to implement optical in-screen fingerprint sensors developed by Synaptics for its Galaxy S8, but dropped later due to some issues. Having said that, Chinese handset makers like Vivo and Honor have already launched smartphones with in-display fingerprint and ultrasonic fingerprint scanners, respectively. Also, some analyst predicts the in-display fingerprint scanners could be the next big thing in the overall smartphone market in 2019. The IHS Markit, a market research firm anticipates the shipments will hit 100 million next year with smartphones ...
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