Google at the 'Google for India' event announced 'Read out Loud' feature for Google Go browser that lets listen to web pages out loud in 28 languages including Hindi, Bengali, Malayalam, Marathi and Tamil in a natural sounding voice. It is powered by natural language processing and speech synthesis AI and works even in 2G connections with minimal cellular data use. Regarding the feature, Google said: This technology relies on AI to determine which parts of a page to read, and which to leave out, so you only listen to what is important. Using this technology, consuming long-form text becomes as easy as watching TV or listening to the radio. It’s also helpful for multitasking, like following a recipe while cooking a meal, listening to articles while exercising, or catching up on news on your commute. The company is planning to expand the ability to listen to webpages to more Google products in the future. Over the past ten years, we’ve been inspired to reimagine @googlemaps in ways that are accurate and useful for India. Here’s looking back, and ahead. Watch #GoogleForIndia → http://bit.ly/2Lxl78M pic.twitter.com/4RDiEJ3LYE — Google India (@GoogleIndia) August 28, 2018 Google also announced turn-by-turn navigation functionality to Maps Go app along with a new home screen ...

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