With Apple plans to open its own Stores in India pending due to government's approval, the company is seeking to open biggest franchisee outlets at key locations in metropolitan cities in India. According to a latest report, the 5-6 franchisee-run outlets will each be at least three times larger than the current, 1,000-square foot stores and may even go up to 5,000 square foot. Though the Apple outlets are a “stepdown” version of the iconic company-owned Apple Retail Stores, these outlets will come up in “extremely prominent locations” as anchor shops in malls and high-street shopping areas, said the executives. It is already reported that Apple is planning to regain its position in India with strong retail strategy, Stores, dedicated services and more. It is hoping to drive experience-based sales after the steep setback brought about by excessive online discounting. The company currently has about 150 Premium Reseller stores run by the franchisees in India, which are up to 1,500 square feet in area. The new stores will come up in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Chennai, which are Apple’s biggest markets in India, and later focus in Hyderabad and Pune. Furthermore, Apple is even game to open a couple of franchise stores that are as large as large as ...
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