Back in May OPPO and Amazon India partnered to introduce the Realme smartphone brand and launched the Realme 1 smartphone in the country. Now the company's founder, Sky Li, the former Vice President of OPPO international mobile business has posted an open letter to announce Realme as an independent brand. In a open letter, Sky Li, said: I am grateful for my youthful years at OPPO, as its persistence in delivering products in the perfectionist way benefited me a lot. OPPO also gave me the opportunity to reach out to the larger world, which gave me the strength and courage to start Realme today. I've also learned so much from Tony Chen, a man of vision, vigor and generosity, who led me in the past 18 years. These all are like a valuable backpack on my road ahead. With the experiences over these years, I feel full of vim and vigor like my spirited young team members, as if I just graduated from university when I was in my early 20s. Working with them side by side, my heart is light and full with courage and passion.

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