Opera Touch was launched for Android back in April and now, the company has launched it for iPhone. It brings fast access to search where you can launch the browser and instantly start searching using text or QR/barcode search features.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12fSrnZD2aY It is designed for one-handed, easy web browsing with key browser elements accessible through the 'Fast Action Button' and it is End-to-end encrypted Flow that connects multiple devices where you can send images, notes, links and videos between them. It also lets you access to tabs from the Opera desktop browser on the mobile browser home screen. All your top sites will automatically be added to the browser home screen and the best part is that it comes with built-in ad blocker with cryptojacking protection. The Opera Touch for iOS is already available to download from the App Store. Maciej Kocemba, Opera Touch Product Manager said: We are releasing Opera Touch just in time for Apple’s new iPhone XS, XS Max and XR because we believe that our browser is the perfect one to make these new devices really shine. Today’s new phones have big, beautiful displays, but conventional browsers are yet to adapt to this development. Our product is aimed at people who want to fully ...

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