Google Pixel series and bugs seem like a never-ending story as the recent batch of Pixel 3 and 3 XL phones which are making their way into customer's hands are reporting of software related issues. It is being reported that Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, thanks to 4GB of RAM, could be having memory management issue. Reports state that taking a photo is apparently enough to kill the music player if it's playing music in the background. Tests suggest that the phone couldn't handle more than 3-4 apps as they are forced out of memory. The reports started flowing even before the phone hit the markets. Android Police's Artem who was testing the Pixel 3 XL and found that merely cycling between Chrome, Google+, and Twitter was enough to force Chrome out of memory on the Pixel 3 XL, requiring that the app is reloaded the next time it is opened. It is clear the reason behind this issue is because of the poor memory management, it isn't clear if it is a result of Google's decision to go with just 4GB of RAM. Hopefully, it's an issue that can be fixed via update. Moving along, memory management isn't the only issue Pixel 3 ...

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