Xiaomi just launched the Redmi 6, the company’s latest smartphone in the Redmi series and the successor of Redmi 5 that launched earlier this year, as it had promised. It has a 5.45-inch HD+ display 18:9 aspect ratio display with 80.7% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by MediaTek Helio P22 12nm processor and runs Android 8.1 (Oreo) with MIUI on top, packs a 12-megapixel rear camera with LED flash along with a secondary 5-megapixel camera for AI portrait shots. It has a 5-megapixel front camera with face unlock and AI portrait as well as AI beautify features. It has a polycarbonate back panel with a brushed metal-like finish, features a fingerprint sensor on the back, has dedicated dual SIM and microSD card slots and Dual 4G VoLTE support that lets you keep two 4G or 4G VoLTE SIM cards active in your phone, in standby so that you can receive VoLTE call in any of your SIM cards at any one time. It packs a 3000mAh battery, which is slightly smaller than the 3300mAh battery on the Redmi 5, but the company says that it is more power efficient with the new 12nm SoC. Xiaomi Redmi 6 specifications 5.45-inch (1440 × 720 pixels) HD+ 18:9 2.5D curved glass display, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 2GHz Octa-Core MediaTek ...

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