Telegram today has introduced a new feature; Telegram Passport a unified authorization method for services that require personal identification. Once you upload the documents, you can share the data with services that require a real-world ID.  The telegram says that the identity documents and personal data will be stored in the Telegram cloud using End-to-End Encryption and no one can read them and no one will have access to the information stored in Telegram Passport. The company also says that all the Telegram Passport data will move to a decentralized cloud in the coming days. If you wish to keep using the Passport, you need to head over to ePayments.com which is company's first electronic payments system to support registration and verification. Once you update the Telegram app and upload documents, you can access the data from Settings > Privacy & Security > Telegram Passport. Telegram is also letting developers integrate Telegram Passport within their app. The company will soon add third-party verification for Telegram Passports using which some services won't even need to request the data, instead rely on the fact that the Telegram account was approved by a verification provider and the person is real. Source

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