Last year, Intel introduced the 9th Gen Mobile H-series processor for laptops with up to 5GHz speed alongside the 9th Gen desktop processors. Following the launch of 10th Gen Ice Lake and Comet Lake processors, Intel has now announced the 10th Gen Mobile H-series processor based on the Comet Lake family for laptops and is an upgrade to the 9th Gen Mobile H-series processor. Last year's 9th Gen mobile processor was capable of up to 5GHz speeds and this time Intel has taken it up a notch further with up to 5.3GHz turbo speeds on the i9-109880HK. The i9-109880HK (unlocked) features 8 cores, 16 threads and supports Intel Thermal Velocity Boost, Intel Adaptix Dynamic Tuning, and Intel Turbo Boost Max technology 3.0. As usual, the i9 sits at the top which is followed by Core i7, and i5 respectively. The i7-10875H features 8 cores 16 threads and has a base frequency of 2.3 GHz with turbo boost up to 5.1 GHz. The i7 10850H (partial unlock) features 6 cores 12 threads and has a base frequency of 2.3GHz with a turbo boost up to 5.1 GHz. It is followed by the i7 10750H featuring 6 cores 12 threads and has a base ...

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