realme just launched X50 Pro 5G, the company’s first flagship 5G smartphone at an event in India as it had promised. It packs a 6.44-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED screen with 90Hz refresh rate, 180Hz sampling rate, hardware-level DC dimming and 92% screen to body ratio and the punch-hole screen houses a 32MP camera as well as an 8MP 105° ultra-wide sensor, is powered by Snapdragon 865 with up to 12GB LPDDR5 RAM, VC cooling that has Vapor Chamber+Multilayer Solid Graphite and support for built-in 5G stand alone and non-stand alone (SA/NSA) sub-6GHz networks. It features upgraded five-dimensional Vapor Cooling System, which includes Vapor Chamber and Multilayer Solid Graphite, enables higher heat dissipation performance. Vapor Chamber dissipates heat from an area of up to 1821 mm2, compared with the previous generation of heat pipes increased by 339%, said the company. The X50 Pro features quad rear cameras that includes a 64-megapixel primary rear camera with 1/1.72″ Samsung GW1 sensor and f/1.8 aperture, 8MP 119° ultra-wide angle lens that can also shoot macro, 12-megapixel telephoto lens for 20x hybrid zoom and 2MP black and white depth sensor. It has a 3D AG glass back with Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection, features in-display fingerprint scanner ...

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