Amazon just launched the new Echo Input Portable Smart Speaker in India, after launching the first Echo Input in the country earlier this year. This voice-controlled smart speaker that combines hands-free access to Alexa with a 4,800 mAh rechargeable battery promising 10 hours of playback. It is designed to be carried around your home, comes with 360-degree audio and allows lets you access Alexa from anywhere in the room using the same far-field voice recognition as other Echo devices. Amazon Echo Input Portable Smart Speaker Edition Highlights Portable Echo for your home — Smart speaker that comes with a fabric design and 360 degree sound. Unplug the device and carry it room to room while listening to music, uninterrupted. Built-in battery for non-stop music — Comes with a 4800mAh rechargeable battery that provides up to 10hrs of continuous music playback time (up to 11hrs of stand-by time). Tap the power button to see the current battery level indicated by the 4 LEDs. Voice control your music — Stream music from Amazon Prime Music, Apple Music, JioSaavn, and Gaana — just ask for a song, artist, or genre. To increase the volume, just ask "Alexa, volume 10." Get help when your ...

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