After Kerala, Mumbai and Tamil Nadu, Airtel has announced massive network expansion in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana as part of its network transformation initiative – Project Leap. During the FY 18-19, Airtel plans to roll out 15,000 new mobile sites that translates to one new site being added every hour along with an addition of more than 3000 kilometers of optic fiber.  Airtel also plans to deploy pre-5G Massive MIMO technology across major business and residential hubs in the two states to step up high speed data experience for customers. Massive MIMO expands network capacities by 5-7 times on the same spectrum and delivers super fast data speeds despite a large number of concurrent users at the same location. Back in April, Airtel had deployed Massive MIMO pre-5G solution across IPL match venues offering up to 3x faster 4G speeds. Airtel 4G already covers over 85% of the population across two states. Commenting on the same, Avneet Singh Puri, Chief Executive Officer – Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Bharti Airtel Ltd, said: As India’s leading mobile network, we are committed to providing a world-class experience to our customers and are committed significant investments this year to expand our high speed data footprint across the two geographies. This will further boost the coverage and data ...

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