An automatic Siddur that gives you exactly what you need, only when you need itThe Smart Siddur gives you the Prayers of each day.
For Example, on Rosh Hodesh it displays Yaleh Ve'yavo and Halel, while on regular days it doesn't.
In addition, it has a great user interface, and it's the most easy to use Siddur application in the market

***Permission explained***
Photos and media - This is actually used by the support widget in the app when you want to send us screenshots of bugs or fixes. We DO NOT take photos without your permission
Location - This is highly important. Without it the application can't get the Jewish date, and will be useless

***Tfilot included***
Birkat HaMazon

***Days included***
Rosh Hodesh, Passover, Sukot
Tisha Bov (Including Eicha and Kinot)
10 Days between Rosh HaShana and Yom HaKipurim
Lag BaOmer songs

***More Options - Pro version only***
Smart silent mode
Pasuk before Yihyu LeRatzon
Prayer for the sick
Hebrew Month View

Hebrew fonts are installed. Although Nikud may be a little tricky, due to Android devices incompatibility.Smart Siddurhttp://bit.ly/2HWAasahttp://bit.ly/2FbNbv9http://bit.ly/2HVB1cPKarri.AppsKarri AppsBooks-ReferenceBooks-Reference7.1.192April 22, 20184.0.3 and up15.83 M4.6Rated for 3+100,000 - 200,000Fixes Yom Yerushalyim prayers
Crash fixe4,1273,18553315364192DOWNLOAD APK

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