Noise has launched the ColorFit Pro fitness band which comes with a premium slim design and Colorful LCD display. It comes with a bigger screen for easy readability and is also IP68 waterproof. The company says that it has a highly accurate pedometer and can measure your Blood Pressure, SpO2 Level, Sleep Quality and Dynamic Heart Rate. It is also capable of continuous Heart Rate monitoring through its Da Fit app. The Watch face is customizable and can measure your calories burnt while walking, running, skipping, cycling, playing badminton, football and basketball. You can also enable calls, messages and other push notifications alerts. It comes with a remote camera control that lets you capture pictures. Connectivity features include Bluetooth 4.1 and packs a 150mAh battery with 12 days standby. It comes with an anti-scratch tempered Corning gorilla glass 5 along with detachable multiple color variant straps. It sports a 1.22 inches Colorful IPS LCD display (240 x 240 resolution). It is compatible with Android and iOS running Android 4.4/ iOS 9.0. With Pedometer you can track steps taken, distance traveled and calories burned. The sleep monitor provides hours and quality of sleep statistics. It supports notifications from third-party apps like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, ...

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