Qualcomm just introduced Snapdragon Wear 3100, the company's next generation smartwatch platform and the successor of Snapdragon Wear 2100 that was introduced back in 2016. This based on a new ultra-low power hierarchical system architecture. In this hierarchical architecture, the high-performance quad core A7 processor, the highly efficient integrated DSP, and the new ultra-low power co-processor work in conjunction with each other to fundamentally look to re-imagine smartwatch experiences – enhance existing ones, bring-in new ones – while supporting extended battery life. It is available in both connected (4G LTE) and tethered (Bluetooth + Wi-Fi) versions. The new co-processor, the Qualcomm QCC1110 that has been designed from the ground up is incredibly small at ~21mm2, is optimized for ultra-low power operation, and acts as a powerful companion to the main processor, re-defining audio, display, and sensor experiences for next generation smartwatches. The co-processor also integrates a deep learning engine for custom workloads, such as keyword detection, and is extensible over time. Rich Interactive Mode: In collaboration with Wear OS by Google it utilizes and enhances the capabilities of the platform and support increasingly rich, fluid experiences designed for the wrist. New Personalized Experiences                  ...

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